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What type of survivor are you?

Could you survive anything?
Sometimes it takes real adversity to reveal something about your character. Fly or fight? Sink or swim? Why not take our quick, just for fun quiz to discover your survivor personality.
We're not distinguished scientists or psychologists, so we won't be so bold as to think you'll take any of this information seriously, it's just for fun. What we do take seriously is helping you survive the everyday decisions that let you keep track of your money.
Sometimes it takes real adversity to reveal something about your character. Fly or fight? Sink or swim? Why not take our quick, just for fun quiz to discover your survivor personality.
We're not distinguished scientists or psychologists, so we won't be so bold as to think you'll take any of this information seriously, it's just for fun. What we do take seriously is helping you survive the everyday decisions that let you keep track of your money.
1. You're stranded in the Aussie Outback. Do you:
A. Stay put and write 'SOS!' in the sand.
B. Stride out boldy into the wasteland.
A. Stay put and write 'SOS!' in the sand.
B. Stride out boldy into the wasteland.
2. You encounter an alien lifeform in the woods. Do you:
A. Sprint home, slam the door and hide under the bed.
B. Smile calmly and attempt to create a telepathic connection.
A. Sprint home, slam the door and hide under the bed.
B. Smile calmly and attempt to create a telepathic connection.
3. A shark joins you for swim. Do you:
A. Tread water patiently and eyeball it until it loses interest.
B. Smack it on the nose and thrash your way back to shore.
A. Tread water patiently and eyeball it until it loses interest.
B. Smack it on the nose and thrash your way back to shore.
4. A deep jungle ravine stands between you and safety. Do you:
A. Survey the area cautiously and plot an alternative path.
B. Plait your hair into a rope and swing above the undergrowth.
A. Survey the area cautiously and plot an alternative path.
B. Plait your hair into a rope and swing above the undergrowth.
5. A poisonous snake sinks its fangs into your foot. Do you:
A. Make a splint to keep the leg still and attract help.
B. Suck out the venom and chase after the critter.
A. Make a splint to keep the leg still and attract help.
B. Suck out the venom and chase after the critter.
6. You're in open country and a lightning storm approaches. Do you:
A. Avoid trees, crouch down and wait for it to pass.
B. Try to outrun it and make for the nearest cave.
A. Avoid trees, crouch down and wait for it to pass.
B. Try to outrun it and make for the nearest cave.
7. You're in a forest and a grizzly bear chases you. Do you:
A. Play dead, lay face down and protect your face and neck.
B. Make yourself big, wave your arms and hurl insults at the bear.
A. Play dead, lay face down and protect your face and neck.
B. Make yourself big, wave your arms and hurl insults at the bear.
If you've answered mainly A's you are an...
Analytical Adventurer
Your ultra calm, rational approach makes you ideally suited for high pressure scenarios. You're not someone who panics when confronted by the unexpected. Faced with a make or break situation, you prefer to weigh up all the options and use logic as your greatest weapon.
You're super organised, make thoughtful decisions and rarely feel the pressure.
Analytical Adventurer
Your ultra calm, rational approach makes you ideally suited for high pressure scenarios. You're not someone who panics when confronted by the unexpected. Faced with a make or break situation, you prefer to weigh up all the options and use logic as your greatest weapon.
You're super organised, make thoughtful decisions and rarely feel the pressure.
If you've answered mainly B's you are a...
Spontaneous Survivor
You trust your gut instincts, keep moving or put up a serious fight. Your biggest asset is your spontaneity and your ability to improvise. You may be a bit of a maverick, but in a life or death situation you've got what it takes to save your skin.
You're passionate, have the ability to come up with quick decisions and don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today.
As we said, we're not distinguished scientists or psychologists, so we won't be so bold as to think you'll take any of this information seriously, it's just for fun. What we do take seriously is helping you survive the everyday decisions that let you keep track of your money.
Spontaneous Survivor
You trust your gut instincts, keep moving or put up a serious fight. Your biggest asset is your spontaneity and your ability to improvise. You may be a bit of a maverick, but in a life or death situation you've got what it takes to save your skin.
You're passionate, have the ability to come up with quick decisions and don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today.
As we said, we're not distinguished scientists or psychologists, so we won't be so bold as to think you'll take any of this information seriously, it's just for fun. What we do take seriously is helping you survive the everyday decisions that let you keep track of your money.