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Why you should be a big fan of January

January has a bit of a bad reputation, and we don't think that's fair. It comes after the biggest party of the year so sure, it might lack in terms of presents and crackers, but there are still plenty of ways you can make it amazing.

Last month was all about family and friends. This month is all about you.

  • Eat all the leftovers, watch all the reruns

    Remember that pre-Christmas panic when you did the food shop and bought every single item of food available to man? There's no way you could have eaten all that cheese, finished off all those crisps or worked through all that chocolate over the festive spell. Now's the time to finish off all the leftovers.

    After you've eaten all that food you'll probably need to spend some much needed time on the sofa. The confusing Christmas schedule is now finished and all your favourites are back on the air, meaning throughout January you'll have loads of TV to enjoy. There'll also be plenty of shows packed neatly into new box sets. Feet up, telly on.

    Remember that pre-Christmas panic when you did the food shop and bought every single item of food available to man? There's no way you could have eaten all that cheese, finished off all those crisps or worked through all that chocolate over the festive spell. Now's the time to finish off all the leftovers.

    After you've eaten all that food you'll probably need to spend some much needed time on the sofa. The confusing Christmas schedule is now finished and all your favourites are back on the air, meaning throughout January you'll have loads of TV to enjoy. There'll also be plenty of shows packed neatly into new box sets. Feet up, telly on.

  • Enjoy a strangely empty house

    After you've packed away the decorations, moved the extra chairs back into the loft and generally tidied up the remnants of 2015, your house is going to look massive. All that room, all to yourself. Whatever will you do with it?

    Not only is your electricity bill likely to look a lot cheaper this month, the house is finally yours again. No more vacuuming up pine needles, no more endless catering and clearing up, just plenty of room for you to do whatever you want.

    After you've packed away the decorations, moved the extra chairs back into the loft and generally tidied up the remnants of 2015, your house is going to look massive. All that room, all to yourself. Whatever will you do with it?

    Not only is your electricity bill likely to look a lot cheaper this month, the house is finally yours again. No more vacuuming up pine needles, no more endless catering and clearing up, just plenty of room for you to do whatever you want.

  • Sales

    If Santa didn't bring you what you hoped for, now's the perfect time to go and get it.

    If Santa didn't bring you what you hoped for, now's the perfect time to go and get it.

  • And finally, make the most of having no plans at all

    Chances are you'll have fewer plans to keep you up late and fill your weekends. Make the most of this by lying down more and keeping your eyes firmly shut for as long as possible.

    Or, wrap up and embrace the chilly, clear days with a walk to clear your head.

    Whatever you're doing this month, make it all about you. Hello, January.

    Chances are you'll have fewer plans to keep you up late and fill your weekends. Make the most of this by lying down more and keeping your eyes firmly shut for as long as possible.

    Or, wrap up and embrace the chilly, clear days with a walk to clear your head.

    Whatever you're doing this month, make it all about you. Hello, January.