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Power of attorney

What's a power of attorney

Power of attorney is a legal document that allows you (the donor) to appoint a person, multiple people or an organisation to manage your finances, if you become unable to do so.

Your chosen attorney needs to be at least 18 years old, and they can’t be declared bankrupt.

If the attorney doesn’t bank with first direct and they’re registering a lasting power of attorney, they’ll need to provide us with identification.

For more information or to register a power of attorney, visit gov.uk.

Types of power of attorney

What can different types of power of attorney do?

If the appointed power of attorney is a sole attorney or multiple attorneys who can each act separately (jointly and severally) the following table provides guidance on the services we can provide.

If more than one attorney have been appointed to act together (jointly), all attorneys must act together. This means that any services restricted to sole access can’t be provided. This includes, debit cards, using our App, Online Banking, and Phone Banking.

If the power of attorney document contains restrictions, we'll need to comply with them, which may mean we can’t provide some of these services.

What an attorney can do

  General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Manage donor's accounts if mental capacity is lost General power of attorneyx Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Hold a debit card General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Issue cheques / make payments (eg bills) / use an ATM General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Pay in cash / cheques at an HSBC branch or Post Office®** General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Order a chequebook / credit card* General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Order a replacement debit card / PIN General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Order a statement General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Manage standing orders and Direct Debits General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Use phone banking General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Use online banking* General power of attorneyx Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Use our App* General power of attorneyx Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Change donor's address General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Apply for ISAs General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Open / close accounts on behalf of the donor General power of attorneyx Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Discuss the donor's accounts General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Sign a mortgage loan agreement General power of attorney Enduring power of attorney Lasting power of attorney
Arrange an overdraft General power of attorneyx Enduring power of attorneyx Lasting power of attorneyx

*Conditions Apply

**At an HSBC Full Service, Cash Service Branch and Banking Hubs, you can pay in cash over the counter. You won't be able to use the self-service paying in machines.

How to register a power of attorney

Before we start, you should know that only the appointed attorney or attorneys can register the power of attorney. If there’s more than one appointed attorney and you’re acting jointly, we’ll need to speak to all parties together.

Step 1 – get everything ready
If you have lasting power of attorney, you’ll need the digital access code before you call us.

If you have any other type of power of attorney you’ll need:

  • all the pages (the original or a certified copy)
  • the full name and contact details of all attorneys 
  • the donor’s full name.

Step 2 – call us
Give us a call on 03 450 511 376. We’re available Monday to Friday 8am-10pm, and Saturday and Sunday 8am-7pm.

Step 3 – send us your documents
Send us any documents we’ve asked for.

Step 4 – registration
Once we’ve received your documents the power of attorney will be registered. We’ll send you a text and confirmation letter when it’s done.


How we’ll use your information

We’ll use the personal information of any appointed attorneys and that of the donor to register the power of attorney. If we're required to use this data for any other related purposes, this will be in line with legal and/or regulatory requirements. For more information about how we use your information and your rights please read our Privacy Notice. If you provide information for another person (eg an attorney), you’ll need to direct them to this notice.