Digital support for your everyday banking

Need help? Chatbot's got this.

Whatever you need, our chatbot is the place to start. 


Use our chatbot on your app or via Online Banking



  • Always available - speak to our chatbot 24/7. If it needs to connect you with a human agent, it’ll do so as soon as it can.

  • Seriously secure - as you’ll already be logged in, you can be confident that your chat is safe.

  • Completely convenient - no need to wait around or rush to reply. Simply ask your question and come back any time.

No need to hang about

All you need to do is ask your question. If our chatbot can’t instantly help, it’ll get in touch with one of our friendly agents on your behalf. So you can get on with your day, and we’ll let you know when we’ve got your answer. 

What can the chatbot do?

Here are some common queries that our chatbot can help with. 

“I have a question about my mortgage”

Whether you need help with your existing mortgage, or want to look at a new one, our chatbot can give you clear instructions that you can refer back to any time. 

“I don’t recognise a transaction”

If you see a payment that you don’t recognise, our chatbot can help you understand what the transaction was. If you haven’t received the goods or services, or you didn’t authorise the payment, our chatbot and agents will work together to dispute this for you. 

“I want to open a savings account”

If you want to open a new Savings, Bonus Savings or Fixed Rate Savings account, our chatbot can do this for you. Just type “Open a savings account”, then choose “Open a new account”, and then “Open a new savings account”.

“How do I use the chatbot?”

For some simple hints and tips to make using the chatbot even easier, type “Show me around” to get a quick tour. There’s even a fun quiz!

Ready to chat?

Scan the QR code to head to the App.

Don't have our App yet? You can still chat to us by logging in to Online Banking and selecting 'Message us'.