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Mobility and dexterity
Tools you may find useful to access our services. Including HSBC branches and your local Post Office.

Hearing loss
We have tools to make banking easier if you are deaf, hearing or speech-impaired.

Visually Impaired
How we can help make your banking easier if you are blind or visually impaired.

Your support needs
See what kind of support we can give or changes we can make for you. Tell us about your needs and we'll note it on your account.

Mobile and website accessibility
Keeping you up-to-date on how to make your computer or device easier to use.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
If you or someone you know has a hidden disability, find out how the Sunflower scheme supports this.
Our cards have accessible features
We can send letters and statements in Braille, large print or audio format.
Call to request on 03 456 100 100
We can talk to you with Text and Video Relay Services.
We can help you protect your money if you struggle with gambling or other addictions.